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Call Today: 1-800-450-2217


We provide our customers with a variety of options when they come for an adventure with us.

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House Keeping Package:

2024 Pricing - $400 per week + HST per person for 6 nights 

2024 Pricing - Rent an aluminum boat for just $420 CDN for 6 days. (gas not included)

A deposit of $150 CDN is required before the booking is confirmed. Exchange is given on U.S. cheques. Mastercard, money orders, or Visa accepted.

For your best fishing experience call 
Brian 705-239-2846 for your minnow orders

**NOTE** Cancellations are to be given at least 60 days in advance for a deposit return.

In order for everyone to have an enjoyable experience here at the Biscotasing Sportsman Lodge, we can no longer allow pets at our facility.

For reservations call: 1-705-239-0806 or Toll-Free 1-800-450-2217

Contact Us to book your adventure!

Telephone: 1-705-239-0806
Toll free: 1-800-450-2217

Email Us!

Mailing Address:
General Delivery
Biscotasing, Ontario
P0M 1C0

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Biscotasing, over a 130 yrs of history!

In 1894, Biscotasing was home to three companies providing squared timber to the Canadian Pacific Railway.

By 1911, Booth & Shannon, the dominant sawmill in the area was producing 14.5 million board-feet and 4 million lathes.

This prosperity brought new sleep camps, a boarding house, two churches, a public school, a post office and a hospital.

Biscotasting before 1913 fire